Report From Rumpi, Nyasaland

O. Fred Liggin, Jr.

"The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38.)

These words were spoken by Jesus Christ many years ago and are still very true today. The fields are "white unto harvest" but more laborers are needed. At present there are only five European evangelists here in Nyasaland. The reason more are needed is because Nyasaland has a land area of 36,000 square miles and a population of 3 million. Most of the roads are dirt and transportation is very difficult especially during the rainy season. The largest towns are Blantyre in the Southern Province and Lilongwe in the Central Province.

Here in the Northern Province land was given and a very nice "mission" station established in 1957. This station sits in the beautiful Henga Valley around a population of 33,000, in the Rumpi District. During the years 1957-1960 some __??__ persons obeyed the gospel. During 1961, 307 persons obeyed the gospel, 104 were restored, 6 new congregations established, four church buildings completed and 29,000 tracts printed. So far this year 8 have obeyed the gospel, 36 have been restored, 2 new congregations established and 8,000 tracts printed.

Brethren James Judd, Doyle Gilliam and Andrew Connelly and their families started this work. In November of 1960, brother Fred Liggin and family arrived here to replace the James Judds. The Leon Clymores came from Lusaka in October 1961, to assist in the work as brother Connelly returned home in November 1960. The Clymores will leave for home in October 1962, having completed four years in Africa.

The Lord has greatly blessed His work in this land. Many problems have been overcome and at present things are moving along nicely. The government has no restrictions on the preaching of the gospel and the distribution of tracts. We are free to travel to any village we desire and teach the people the word of God.

All of this is good, but, "How eager are the people here for the gospel?" One day I received a letter from a man wanting to know about Salvation. Before I could answer him he rode his bicycle 29 miles to the "mission" station to study. He was a Presbyterian elder, but upon hearing the truth accepted it. Now he is doing a splendid job in his village area. In December 1961, two young boys arrived at my house about 8:00 p. m. They had walked 60 miles to learn the truth. They are now teaching the gospel to their fellow men. One of these young men desires to go to school to better learn how to divide the word of truth. These are just two of the stories. We receive letters regularly from people wanting us to come and discuss the word with them. Yet we cannot go to all of the people because the workers are so few. We have only 5 African preachers on full support. These men are willing to travel from place to place carrying the gospel, but we lack the money to send them. Brethren, Nyasaland could be won for Christ but we need more help. Should you desire to help this work please send your contribution to me. My address is: O. F. Liggin, Jr., P. O. Rumpi, Nyasaland, Africa. We will also need a replacement here for Brother Clymore in October. If you are interested in this type of work please feel free to write to me and I will give you any helpful information you may want.

God bless all -of you in His own way. Please remember us and the work in your prayers.

Truth Magazine VI: 8, pp. 1
May 1962