Valuable Addition to Staff

Norman F. Fultz
Louisville, Kentucky

The management of TRUTH MAGAZINE is to be commended in the selection of James P. Needham of Louisville, Kentucky as an associate editor. Readers of the magazine should be happy with this improvement, and an improvement it is for a number of reasons.

Brother Needham is blessed with a good intellect, which he has used fruitfully in service to the Master. He has a deep and abiding love for the truth of God's word and shuns not upholding it, being capable in the pulpit or on the polemic platform. In private discussion with those who would misuse the word of God, his ability is equally evident. He is known far and wide for his stand for right, and excerpts from his prolific pen are to be seen frequently. In earlier years of TRUTH MAGAZINE's existence under its former management, he served as a staff writer in which capacity he demonstrated his great worth. As a preacher, he does not shun difficulties, and while he does not delight in such, he has accepted work with churches torn with strife and beset by problems because he felt an obligation to aid them. In such, he was shortly repaid by seeing peace grow out of chaos, a peace obtained without sacrifice of the principles of truth.

A few months ago a supporter of institutionalism paid brother Needham the great compliment: "I have read enough of your propaganda to float a battle ship." He replied, "That's all you can do, read it. You can't answer it."

As a reader of TRUTH MAGAZINE from its beginning, I welcome this addition to the staff.

Truth Magazine VIII: 4, p. 1a January 1964