Statement From The Board

February 23, 2004

In recent weeks many of our readers may have heard about a problem that the Guardian of Truth Foundation experienced. Articles have been written about the problem in at least one paper circulated among brethren, a news report has aired on WBKO television station in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and letters have been distributed among brethren relating to these difficulties. It was not our original intention to disclose fully the details of this embarrassing situation. However, where little public information is available, rumor tends to abound. Because of these rumors, along with certain patently false information being circulated, it is now necessary for the Board to say more than we had at first planned. Consequently, the Board wishes to make this public statement about what happened.

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The Serpent That Still Was Not There

Marc W. Gibson

On behalf of Harry Osborne and myself, I want to thank Marty Pickup for his response to our article entitled "The Serpent That Was Not There" (Truth Magazine, August 7, 2003). Careful and diligent study of any Bible topic or question of controversy will cause truth to shine and error to be exposed. Honorable discussion will encourage brethren to take these issues seriously in their search for truth.

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Half Right on the Serpent & Satan

by Harry Osborne

Before reading this rejoinder, the reader is asked to read and carefully consider the original article, The Serpent That Was Not There, and brother Marty Pickup’s response. The search for truth is assisted by careful and prayerful consideration of all teaching while searching the Scriptures daily to see if the things said are so (Acts 17:11). The pursuit of truth is the purpose of this discussion and I appreciate Marty’s willingness to discuss the issues involved in an open and honorable manner. If further discussion on these issues is desired, the pages of Watchman Magazine have been offered to publish such.

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