Remembering Your Work of Faith in the Debates With Freeman

By Ron Halbrook

When a review of my debates with Jack Freeman is published, I would like to append an expression of deep appreciation for all who helped to make the debates possible. These brethren are to be commended for my inadequacies. Without them these two debates would have been far less effective.

Wayne Goforth’s stand for the truth occasioned these debates. Truman Smith supplied me with resource materials which were an invaluable aid in preparation. Harry Osborne spent countless hours studying with me and familiarizing me with the many twists and turns of error on divorce and remarriage, in addition to serving as my chart man during the actual debating. Mike Willis did a great deal of reading and research on the subject, gave me several important insights, and offered many helpful suggestions. David Padfield took my rough sketches of chart ideas and produced top quality charts from them. Keith Sharp and J. T. Smith shared useful materials with me, and J.T. called several times to give much needed encouragement.

Larry Hafley was an able moderator at both debates; his incisive mind and indomitable courage in the kingdom of God are constant sources of strength. The presence and advice of Cecil Willis was most helpful and encouraging. The Vegas Drive Church in Las Vegas extended their hospitality in a number of ways, and invited Harry Osborne, Larry Hafley, and myself to preach at their Sunday and Wednesday services. Doug and Kathy Freeman immediately adopted us as members of their own family. Keith Greer and his family are especially to be commended for making clear their stand for the truth at great personal sacrifice.

The frequent prayers, patience, financial support, and loving words offered by the church at West Columbia have sustained me throughout this challenging time. These debates would not have been possible without the constant love, patience, and help of my family. Thank you Donna, Jonathan, David and Deborah.

The fruit resulting from these debates abounds to the accounts of these good brethren and others who contributed so much to this effort, “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father” (1 Thess. 1:2-3).

Guardian of Truth XXXIV: 11, p. 334
June 7, 1990