“Well, It Finally Happened”

By Randy Medlin

I won’t name the congregation lest we embarrass someone unduly. But it finally happened. The Gospel meeting was going on throughout the week. The preacher also happened to be the coach for the Pee Wee Football league. Friday night was the Gospel meeting night. But Friday night was also tournament night for the preacher’s football team. Guess where he was? That’s right. Guess what the congregation immediately did? That’s right too. Fired on the spot. We won’t have a preacher whose spiritual priorities are so misarranged as to attend a football game over a gospel meeting.

I can understand their displeasure. What I can’t understand is why those same brethren can’t apply the same spiritual standard to themselves. A Gospel meeting is going on at the local congregation. Brother A misses on Monday because it’s bowling night. Brother and sister B on Tuesday night because there is a movie on the television they have really been wanting to see. Sister C can’t make it on Wednesday night because she worked hard all day and was just too tired. The D family was working in the yard, taking advantage of Daylight Saving Time, and when they looked down at their watch, what do you know – it was 7: 15. No way they could get ready and go. Brother E considers it his Christian “duty” to go at least one night, and so Thursday’s the night. Oh, and don’t forget brother and sister F – they had company come in Thursday afternoon. “We haven’t seen them in four months, so we just can’t go.”

But come Friday night and the preacher’s not there! What in the world could that man be thinking! We’ve got to get a man who “seeks first the kingdom.” Rightly so. The man was in error. But most of the preachers I know are looking for members who also “seek first the kingdom.” Are you one?

Guardian of Truth XXX: 4, p. 111
February 20, 1986