The Impact Of Calvinism On The Restorers

By Cherrill Schmid Although the name of John Calvin may be less of a household name than that of Martin Luther or John Wesley, yet he is second to none in influence among Protestant orders. While studying law in Paris, Calvin experienced what he called a “conversion” which placed him in the class of a heretic …

Solving The Instrumental Music Question

By Sam E. Stone Over the past year we have published several essays and news reports growing out of current efforts to develop a sense of unity with our brethren in the non-instrumental churches of Christ. These articles have brought mixed reactions from our readers. A brother wrote from Northern Ireland: I first came into contact …

The Impact Of Calvinism On The Church In This Century

By Herschel E. Patton For years Calvinism had no impact upon New Testament Christianity at all, except as a heresy to be met by strenuous opposition. Calvinism involves the underlying theme of salvation being wholly by grace and apart from any works or responsibility on the part of man. The theory contends that man is born …