One Eldership Over Many “House Churches” (1)

By Robert F. Turner Alvin Jennings’ book, How Christianity Grows in the City, is an expanded and renamed edition of his original 3 R’s of Urban Church Growth. It caused a stir among liberal churches, including a rather “hot” review by G.K. Wallace in the Gospel Advocate (Nov. 19, ’81); and now the book is being …

The Impact Of Unity Movements On The Church

By H.E. Phillips “Unity” is defined by Webster as: “1. the state of being one; oneness; singleness; being united. 2. something considered complete in itself; single, separate thing. 3. the quality of being one in spirit, sentiment, purpose, etc.; harmony; agreement; concord; uniformity. . .” (New World Dictionary, College Edition). “Behold, how good and how pleasant …